Whistlestop Gallery
Artists and artisans of the Robson Valley
The Whistle Stop Gallery would like to acknowledge that we are honored to work, explore, and create on the unceded lands of the Lheidli T’Enneh and Simpcw First Nations. It is our responsibility to acknowledge the Indigenous land we reside on and provide an inclusive safe space that does not tolerate discrimination in any form. It is our mission to honor diversity and freedom of expression.
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Stan Walchuk Jr.

Stan Walchuk Jr. was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is common man who has lived a truly uncommon life. Stamped with a passion for wanderlust, his life was just naturally one adventure after another. Stan took his first solo wilderness trip at the age of thirteen. He left home at sixteen and hitch hiked up the Alaska Highway at the tail end of the 70’s hippy movement, landing his first stint with Yukon horse outfitters. He has averaged more than three wilderness horse, canoe, or hiking trips a year for more than forty years. He has been a gas jockey, car wash boy, chicken deliverer, construction laborer, surveyor, habitat improvement contractor, truck driver, teacher, writer, film maker, horse trainer, wilderness program instructor, and a student and writer of hockey.
Stan received Zoology and Education Degrees from the University of Alberta. His documentary of the rugged one-thousand-mile Cordillera! Expedition earned him Best Documentary and Best Producer Awards. The Cordillera! Book is a National Best Seller. Stan has given well over a hundred presentations to schools, theaters and town halls. He has written more than fifty articles for outdoor and equine magazines.
Stan registered Vista Publishing in 1982 and formed Blue Creek Outfitting Corp. in 1994. Over a 28-year period he has had the pleasure of teaching more than 600 program participants trail riding and wilderness travel skills from around the world.
Stan lives with his wife Marlene, their horses and dogs, near McBride, British Columbia, Canada.