Whistlestop Gallery
Artists and artisans of the Robson Valley
The Whistle Stop Gallery would like to acknowledge that we are honored to work, explore, and create on the unceded lands of the Lheidli T’Enneh and Simpcw First Nations. It is our responsibility to acknowledge the Indigenous land we reside on and provide an inclusive safe space that does not tolerate discrimination in any form. It is our mission to honor diversity and freedom of expression.
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Glen Frear
Photorealistic painter

Glen Frear has been painting for over 40 years. Although self-taught, he credits his initial inspiration to his highschool teacher, Mr. Grigoruk. He most frequently paints trains, cars, and mountains, capturing his interests in a photorealistic style. He primarily uses acrylics, but has dabbled in watercolour and oil-based paints as well as graphite sketching.